Official acknowledgment of disassociating from the entitlement of real estate inheritance
Number Of Views : 1269
Authentication dept.
Ministries Complex

​An acknowledgement by one of the heirs or all of them by giving up their entitlement of real estate inheritance to one of the heirs and not to anyone out of the limitation of succession

Required documents

1- Original document 

2- Property eviction​​ from con​traindications

3- Presence of both parties if the act had no value but in the case of the act having a value, then they can have a representative to attend instead

Used Forms


Time required for the transaction
Location for transaction accomplishment

​Ministries Complex, Ministry of Justice, Block 15, First Floor, Real estate agencies department ​

Inquiry Numbers

​- 22486550

- 22486594

- 22486514

- 22486516​

Concerned party

​Documentation Department 

Other parties
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