Appeal judgement handover
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Court of appeal clerks dept.
Justice Palace ، Farwaniya Court (Al Raq'y) ، Ahmadi Court ، Hawally Court ، jahra new courts complex

​1. True copy

2. Operational format

3. Bail (kafalah) recovery

4. True copy of the replacement

5. Photocopy the documents or deliver the original documents 

Required documents

​1. Applicant or an agent or the legal representative of the authorities

2. True copy of a certificate stating that the applicant has no financial constraints 

1 KWD for sentences handed down before the year 2000, Variable fees: 1 KWD stamp to extract a true copy of the appeal judgement or in the case of the recurrence of requesting for judgements, 0.500 KWD stamp for every document to be extracted
Used Forms

​Special form from the archiving department attached with the agencies and a copy of the representatives' ID 

Time required for the transaction
5 minutes
Location for transaction accomplishment

- ​Justice Palace, 2nd Basement, The counter​

- Reggaie court complex, Floor# 15, Room# 1537

- Ahmadi courts complex, Floor# 4, Room# 403

- Hawali courts complex, Ground floor, Room# 3

- Jahra courts complex, Floor# 15, Room# 45

Inquiry Numbers

​- 22998924

- 22993536

Concerned party

​Court of appeal clerks 

Other parties
Actions in the same building