780SilinkChildren and adolescents consultation
773SilinkConsider legal seperation issues by arbitrators enrolled in the courts register for any damages (sentence of the husband/wife/reference)
782SilinkDocumentation of consensual contracts between spouses (reconcialiation/divorce) about personal matters with alimony types and visitations
776SilinkExamine cases and provide counseling for the problems of children and adolescents
781SilinkFollow up after reconcialiation + Divorce
771SilinkFollow up on cases that reviewed the department and the different branches through calling the reviewers
768SilinkFollowing up with announcements released from the reception, social research, family outreach and counseling departments in branches of governorates
770SilinkHanding over announcements to departments relevant to the appointment
769SilinkHanding over announcements to Express Company to deliver them to the person of interest
767SilinkLegal Advice
779SilinkPremarital Counseling
766SilinkProvide family counselling (social + psychologist) with family problems (marriage or divorce) and examining the situation - Reconciliation or referring to legal documentation to complete divorce proceedings if it is not possible to reconcile
775SilinkProvide social and psychological counseling and submit a report to the enforcement judge on what is being done
778SilinkProvide social and psychological counseling for cases with family problems/ filed for divorce
777SilinkSettling family disputes and combating domestic violence
774SilinkSupervision on implementing vision provisions, socialization and writing case proof models
772SilinkTransferring cases to evening centres to get family counseling (psychic-sociological) and following up after reconcilation or divorce - children consultation/documentation
809SilinkClaim an alimony
632SilinkA writ on petition
641SilinkAnnouncements of judgments handed down in absentia
638SilinkAuditing Original Files
643SilinkCase restricting and registration
645SilinkCertificate of a hearing date
642SilinkDeposition Announcement
634SilinkEquivocality File
637SilinkFile a case once it is deliberated
640SilinkGuidance declaration
631SilinkInterdictions - Guardianship
649SilinkOperational format
644SilinkPermit to extract civil information
646SilinkPermit to obtain a certificate from an authority
647SilinkPhotocopying documents related to cases
630SilinkProof of death with the determination of heirs – Correction and conversion of contracts and deleting etc
629SilinkRent and child support case files – custody – visitation rights – divorce – obedience – dowry – proof of marriage, divorce and reconsideration – recovery of dowry and gifts – special permission - recovery of payments
639SilinkRevision of the declaration
648SilinkSentences handover
651SilinkTrue copy
650SilinkTrue copy of an announcement
633SilinkUrgent Family
636SilinkWholly Civilian - Family
682SilinkA true copy
683SilinkConsultation responses from the prosecutors office
681SilinkDelivering judicial procedures
684SilinkReceiving litigants requests
685SilinkScheduling a hearing