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Court of appeal clerks dept.
Justice Palace ، Farwaniya Court (Al Raq'y) ، Ahmadi Court ، Hawally Court ، jahra new courts complex
Required documents
Original documents are to be sent during the case deliberation or the files after deposition to the documentation department
Used Forms
Time required for the transaction
1 minute for every document containing 10 papers
Location for transaction accomplishment
- Justice Palace, Sixth Floor, Court of appeal, the register, Room 707
- Regai Courts Complex, 15th Floor, Room 1533
- Ahmadi Courts Complex, Second Floor, Room 2011
- Hawali Courts Complex, Ground Floor, Room 2
- Jahra Courts Complex, 15th Floor, Room 9
Inquiry Numbers
Concerned party
Other parties
1. Appellate follow up department
2. Appellate conservation department